Hello all. My name is Kayvon Gorji and I am a current high school senior at BASIS Scottsdale. I am a fairly varied person in that I enjoy hobbies from reading passages from art history textbooks to listening to indie rock genres. I am also avid about binge watching tv shows like the Office which I have on and off probably rewatched more than I dare to count. But beyond a hermit with a Netflix account, I also am passionate about outdoor activities like playing in pick up soccer games and going for pant-filled runs.
*Now that we have examined Kayvon the person, let's take a closer look at Kayvon the scholar.*
For my senior project, I will be working for a startup company, BlocPower, in New York. The company works to create energy efficiency projects in inner city buildings, thus fostering a greater social and environmental sense of well-being in the surrounding underserved neighborhoods.
Although I have no prior experience with any of these topics, I am excited by how it will provide a crucial resource to further my research question. This question, throughout the project, is concerned with a specific subset of BlocPower, that is school buildings in inner cities. I am interested in examining specifically how creating sustainable infrastructure and systems (within these schools) correlates with the teaching of STEM topics. Through my research I hope to better understand how the creation of, for example, rooftop gardens can improve ventilation, air quality, and learning of earth science altogether and if such projects are worth the effort (that is time, money, and labor).
In addition to working for BlocPower, for the duration of my project I will be volunteering for a rooftop garden connected with an after school program called 5th St. Farm. This is exciting because while I am providing quality assurance (one of my duties for the company) for BlocPower’s day-to-day operations, I will be able to actually perform fieldwork and collect tangible research material as well.
I hope this journey will be as exciting to you, the readers, as it is to me. I look forward to cataloging my experiences and in the meantime here are some helpful links which may answer your questions if you are confused or befuddled: my site placement and my research proposal.