Friday, March 24, 2017

Week 7

Onto lucky number 7. Despite this week being hectic it truly does feel nice to be able to wrap up and share my experiences in these past few days. So let’s dive right into it. 

This week I did quite a bit of research into my topic and found one particular resource to be helpful that incidentally provides answers, through various case studies, to my central question. I will attach a link here because even if you are not completely nerding out on my project adventure, it is an interesting read regardless. I also created a list of questions which I think to be adequate for how I want to approach my powerpoint presentation and final product so here they are: 

  1. When is a school considered an inner city school?
  2. Can retrofits in larger, more funded schools serve as a model for inner city schools?
  3. Why are inner cities left out of the sustainability market?
  4. What is holding back inner city schools from building retrofits?
  5. What are practices that help teach STEM education effectively? Is hands-on learning a part of that?
  6. What sociological effects result when retrofits like gardens are built for students?
  7. What retrofits will I examine and how many?
  8. Which retrofits are the most effective?
  9. Does the desire to further STEM education result in a retrofit or does the desire to conserve energy result in a retrofit and then further STEM education? Or both?
  10. What kind of metrics will I be using and what do I mean by affect
    1. What kind of courses are the most beneficial? Separate courses? Optional after-school courses? Topics integrated into existing courses? 
  11. Why is it important, especially in inner cities, that STEM education be given proper attention in schools? Can retrofits plausibly instill meaningful change?
  12. Where will schools get the funding for retrofits? A non-profit? The government?
    1. If the government will they plausibly invest? Take NYCHA for example. 
  13. Can retrofits affecting STEM education be effective with existing constraints like Common Core?
  14. What type of inner city schools are the most likely build these retrofits? What type of inner city schools already have these retrofits?
  15. What are some relevant statistics about STEM classes in inner cities (i.e. minorities)?
  16. Should I just examine gardens because that is what is most prominent or should I also examine other possible retrofits? 

These questions are nothing new, I just wanted to make transparent how I am going about conducting my research and on what specific sources of information. 

In addition to this independent work, I spent my week at BlocPower implementing folder structures into the wiki (which was built by a fellow developer). This simply means I took whatever resources and important information, BlocPower wanted included in their database and included it in the wiki. I also did some work for our blog, specifically on creating a new set of posts addressing National Women’s History Month (March) and asking female coworkers their experiences and insights as women in the technical/engineering industry. 

Anyways I hope I did not drag on, but,  I hope you all enjoy this upcoming weekend!


  1. Hi Kayvon! Those questions you included were really interesting and reminded me I need to start working on my own presentation so thanks for that. That link you included was really cool. You should link the blog next week so we can read about the posts addressing National Women's History Month.

    1. Hey Dani! I appreciate the feedback and I will definitely try to link more to the content for those posts in this blog. Thanks!

  2. Sounds like you've been putting a lot of thought into your PowerPoint (wish I could say I've been doing the same). And yeah I agree with Dani, would you be able to link the blog for BlocPower that you have been working on?

    1. Hey Gillian! Haha do not be modest, I know your powerpoint will be much better than mine and yes I will absolutely link to my blog in these next few posts. Thanks!

  3. Hello! Are you going to be giving us the answers to some of these questions over the next couple of weeks, or are you just updating us on what you've been doing? Anyways, looking forward to next week.

    1. Hey Jackson! So these questions will hopefully be answered in my Powerpoint so I included them to just provide a backdrop for how I am approaching the rest of this project. Thanks!

  4. Hi Kayvon! The questions in the blog post really summed up any questions that I had, except phrased better. I look forward to all of the answers! Good luck!

    1. Hey Marvin! Glad the questions helped and please feel free to adjust or provide other questions if you think something is missing/needed. Thanks!

  5. Yo,

    The questions are interesting and intriguing. Also, thanks for the link.

    Harrison Miao

    1. Hey Harrison! Thanks for the feedback and will be sure to include similar materials soon!

  6. Hey Kayvon, thanks for the document. Those questions really made me think, and I look forward to seeing your powerpoint!

    1. Hey Michael! Please feel free to add more questions if you think that is necessary and yes will include powepoint soon!

  7. Hey Kayvon! Those questions are definitely adequate enough for your powerpoint presentation. Nice work!

    1. Hey Oscar! Glad the questions helped and there will definitely be more to come as I prepare my powerpoint.

  8. Hi Kayvon! Thank you for providing a link to satisfy any potential interests. Your questions seemed very planned out and thoughtful. I wish you the best of luck so that you may successfully achieve the rest of your endeavours.

    1. Hey Kirill! Thanks for the feedback and I will be sure to include as many of those questions as possible into my presentation. Thanks!

  9. Hi Kayvon! It seems like you've really planned out your presentation and are ready to share it with the world. I am happy to see how far you've come in your research.

    1. Hey Frida! I am still adjusting some of the central questions but yes I am pretty happy with where I am at currently and hope for the best in the near future. Thanks!
